All LEED-Certified Buildings Eligible for LEED Recertification

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) will begin offering LEED recertification for all LEED-certified projects.

Projects must submit 12 months of data demonstrating continued or improved performance to be eligible for recertification. Recertified projects will meet the standards of the newest available version of LEED. The recertification will be valid for three years.

“We want all LEED projects to continue to demonstrate leadership and ensure they are actually providing real benefits to the people who inhabit them,” said Mahesh Ramanujam, president and CEO, USGBC. LEED recertification plays a key role in meeting the intention and spirit behind the Living Standard campaign, recently launched by USGBC.

“LEED recertification will allow all LEED building owners to continue to demonstrate leadership long after the projects are constructed, certified, and occupied,” said Melissa Baker, senior vice president for technical core at USGBC.

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